Legal Policies for Digital Properties

Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks company. Our ambition is to become one of the most trusted and respected consumer product companies in the world. We are committed to maintaining trust by informing consumers of how we operate online.

A link to our Conditions of Use and Privacy and Cookie Notice MUST be included on every page of Diageo digital properties. This site offers our agencies, partners, and affiliates access to our LATEST legally approved policies to be used on our digital properties. These policies will be automatically updated by our legal and compliance teams when updates are made throughout the year.

RECOMMENDED: Install Diageo's Horizon Gold service onto your site. Horizon Gold is Diageo's compliance service which easily adds our age gate, legal footer, and analytics onto our digital properties. Contact your Diageo Digital Technologist to get started. If this is not feasible, please follow the below instructions to link to Diageo's policies.

  1. If you are not using Horizon Gold, please use the policy links below to display our Conditions of Use and Privacy & Cookie Notice on our digital properties age gate and footer.
  2. Select each country / language your site markets to.
  3. Copy the policy links for Conditions of Use and Privacy & Cookie Notice for each locale on your site.
  4. Link DIRECTLY to these LINKS from the digital property's age gate and legal footer.
  5. DO NOT copy and paste the policy content.
  6. DO NOT link to this landing page from your site.
  7. Diageo automatically updates these policies on a regular basis, so we want you to LINK TO these policies, not this page.
  8. Please contact Horizon-Support@Diageo.com with any questions.

  1. Copy these links to use on your site:

  2. Privacy & Cookie Notice :
    Conditions of Use :

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